Your Birth, Your Baby, Your Way

Serving expectant families in the greater Albuquerque, New Mexico area with compassionate, professional care.


Your birth experience is an important part of your motherhood journey…

Every birth is a unique experience for the family involved. At ABQ Doulas, we aim to ensure you have an informed and positive path to parenthood. Our commitment to you and your family extends from the initial phone call through the fourth trimester.

We assist growing families during their pregnancy, birth, and postpartum journey. Our exceptional care is tailored to ensure you have a birth experience that aligns with your family’s needs. We stand with you, guiding you through informed decisions about your birth, the ones that best suit you. Recognizing that pregnancy and birth are profoundly personal experiences, we are committed to respecting your family’s individual journey.

Our team is experienced, dedicated, and held in high esteem by local midwives, doctors, and nurses. We offer you the highest standard of care characterized by our service, professionalism, integrity, and respect.

We have you covered for all your needs as you walk through this amazing adventure! From our excellent prenatal classes, labor support, placenta encapsulation, lactation support and postpartum care we will be by your side.


Our vision is that every new parent will feel respected and heard and every baby will be surrounded with an atmosphere of peace, safety and love in which to enter this world.

Every parent should have an atmosphere of peace and love in which to deliver their child. We will come along side you and your family as you make informed choices about your birth and our non-judgmental support will help you have an amazing birth experience.

Whether you are planning an unmedicated birth, an induction, a birth with an epidural, a water birth, a VBAC, a cesarean birth, whatever your choices are; we look forward to working with you and supporting you through one of the most powerful and memorable days of your life!

“A doula is like a trail guide. She is familiar with the path ahead, knows the twist and turns and all the short cuts. She helps you keep hiking when the path gets tough and reminds you about the amazing view at the top!”

 “For you  formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb: I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139:13